
Download a copy of our Anti bullying policy Dec 2019
Head teachers have a legal duty under the Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998 to draw up procedures to prevent bullying among pupils and to bring these procedures to the attention of staff, parents and pupils. DCSF

The school has an anti-bullying policy which is strictly enforced and in which steps taken to deal with any alleged incidents are set out. These steps may involve class teacher, key stage coordinator, deputy headteacher and Headteacher at different levels of the process. In addition parental involvement will be sought if a problem is not resolved by the initial school procedures.

Children are encouraged to ‘tell’ if any sign of bullying (persistent and deliberately hurtful behaviour by another party) appears. Parents are asked to contact the school if they have any concerns – which will be taken seriously and action in proportion to the problem will result.

Parents will be involved at an early stage in potentially serious or protracted incidents and the Headteacher has the right of exclusion although this should be rare and subject to safeguards in its application.