Reading sheets

Please find below a selection of sheets that we normally use during guided reading lessons. Sheets might be referenced on weekly home learning but you may want to try a few more.
The children should know what to do if they have used a sheet at school. 
authors word choice– Find effective words from your book and describe what they mean.
Beginning, middle and end sheet-A simple sheet to recall the main events in your book.
Book review
Comparing text types-Reading different texts is really important, use this sheet to think about what makes each text type different or similar.
distinguish fict non fict– Think about what makes a fiction book different to non-fiction.
Feelings Chart- Identify the feelings of characters in a book and how you know they have different feelings.
Likes and dislikes with justification-Choose something in your book that you liked and disliked, then explain why.
Reading Prediction Sheet- Using the front cover and blurb, can you guess what is going to happen in the book.
Role on the wall character inference- Choose a character and use words to describe their personality or looks.