4CJ Maths Talk Homework 7.3.18

Curriculum objective: To work out unit fractions of numbers.


This week we have been working out fractions of numbers by grouping. We know that to work out one third of a number, we divide by 3.  So to work out a third of 12, we count up in threes until we get to 12 and see how many groups of three it takes =4. To find out two thirds, we then times this answer by 2. So 4 x 2= 8


1/3 of 12=4    so    2/3 of 12 = 8

1/5 of 25= 5  so    3/5 of 25= 15

Please carry on practicing more examples at home.

4/5 of 30=               2/8 of 24=               ¾ of 28=         2/10 of 40=

Date due: 12.3.18

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