Maths Talk Homework, w.b. May 5th Mrs Webb and Mrs Smith’s group
This week’s talk homework is to practice the Learn Its that you do each week in your Big Maths Beat That Test. Practise as often as possible, so you are really confident with them.
1). The aim is to complete the Year 1 test in 30 seconds – that means you have to know them off by heart as there is not enough time for fingers! If you need to use your fingers for now, then do so, but be aware of what the aim is.
- If you can complete the Year 1 test in 30 seconds, move on to practising the Year 2 test. You have 90 seconds to complete this one.
Remember, if you know your learn its really well, it will have a really positive effect on the maths we do in school, especially the number line work we have been doing this week.