Mrs Wood’s Maths Talk Homework

Curriculum objective: To explain how to calculate all operations.

Task: This week we are going to be practicing all of our operations. Explain to someone at home how you would work out these calculations using columns or a number line.

Red and Orange – 26 x 5      16 ÷ 2 (number line)        428 + 223         563 – 224

Blue, Green and Yellow – 226 x 5      69 ÷ 3 (number line)   2236 + 1123    5324 – 1129

Date due: Friday 13th October

I confirm that my child ____________________________ has completed the talk homework and can be entered into the weekly homework prize draw.

Signed ………………………………………

You may also like to visit the website to practice learning your tables (3 times table) (4 times table)

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