Newsletter Summer 2015



Year 2 Topic Letter Summer Term 2015


This term we have some exciting topics which will be taught in a cross curricular way:


This term we will be looking at the plants and animals that inhabit the United Kingdom and comparing them. This will involve a trip to Hanbury Hall which will be on May 6th. Support for trips may be available for children who claim free school meals. Please speak to the head or deputy if this applies to you.

This will be followed by our topic of the 1960’s which includes stories about Mr Benn.


We are aware that some children are not changing their home reading books on a regular basis. This may be because they are reading their own or reading library books but we would be really grateful if you could fill in their Home Reading Record even if it is to acknowledge that your child has read on their own. Children will be given a special certificate every time they complete their record.

Please do not forget the importance of discussing what the children have read with them. Understanding books is just as important as reading the words so do ask questions and “interrogate the text”.



Topic/Literacy talk homework will normally be sent out on a Wednesday and should be completed by Friday to assist with our work in class.

Maths homework will normally be sent home on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday.


Normal PE days are:

2MS – Mondays and Fridays

2S – Mondays and Fridays

2R – Mondays and Tuesdays

Please make sure your child always has their PE kit in school, including pumps in the correct size for the summer term as we hope to be able to work outside.



Any problems or queries please see your child’s class teacher.






From the Year 2 teaching team

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