Phonics update- 6th May
We are really enjoying our phonic sessions and are busy learning new phonemes and new tricky words each week! We hope you are enjoying practising together at home too!
The phonemes we know so far are….
s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r h b
f l ff ll ss j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th
ng ai ee igh oa ar or ow oi er ur ear air ure
The tricky words we know are…
I the to into no go he we me be she was my you they her all her said so have like some come were there little one
Please can you help your child to learn these and also practise blending and segmenting words as often as you can!
Have a go at segmenting and blending these words together:
rat tin sad get met pick rub bed path fit huff hiss ham wish van zip yet quack ship thin moth long sail feet high boat harm wow boil longer fur hear dear pair pure cure shark buzz chip much will thing
What words can you think of that start with the phonemes you know?