Curriculum objective: Compose and rehearse sentences orally.
Task: In classes this week, we have been spending time on a ‘Talk for Writing’ exercise to help the children with their writing of the story ‘The Polar Express’. This involves the children orally rehearsing their sentences and coming up with actions to go with certain words to help the children commit them to memory. For Talk Homework, please could you ask your child to perform the ‘Talk for Writing’ they have come up with in their class today. This will really help them to reinforce the different openers, vocabulary and conjunctions that the children have been learning. Please also talk through with the children how they could adapt this story to create their own story, thinking about the characters, the problem of the story and the resolution.
Date due: Monday 4th December
I confirm that my child ___________________________ has completed the talk homework and
can be entered into the weekly homework prize draw.