What a packed term we have had….
- a school trip to Lower Smite Farm,
- learn with your child Hokusai “The Great wave” work,
- visits from the hedgehog lady,
- visit from a very dirty pirate who taught us how to keep clean,
- visit from “Just for Pets” who taught us not only how to look after fish but also brought us our very own pet goldfish (and tanks etc ) to keep in our classrooms.
- a marvellous Christmas play with three performances to an audience!
- visit from DHS who taught us a French song “Vive le Vent”.
We are now ready for a little rest before getting stuck into our next lot of adventures in the New Year which will begin with a polar expedition and scientific study of polar animals.Unfortunately the budget wouldn`t stretch to an arctic cruise so we will be transforming our classrooms into a winter wonderland of adventure instead.
Have fun and a Happy New Year to you all from the Year One staff.