The last week of home learning before the summer holiday. We look forward to seeing everyone back in September.
- Year 3 – 10.07.20 – Weekly Plans
- Maths Problems
- t2-t-16841-the-big-end-of-the-year-odd-one-out-prompt-powerpoint-_ver_3
- t-e-2550236-captain-tom-moore-reading-comprehension-lks2_ver_7
- The Big End of Year Picture Quiz Activity Sheet
- Times Tables and Division Facts Colouring Booklet
- This weeks home learning for everyone in year 3!
- Year 3 – 06.07.20 – Weekly Plans
- Write a mission – watch prompt
- Story planning sheet
- Reading quiz
- Plan a character
- Mission Possible Story
- Design a gadget
- Another week of great activities for you to complete:
- Year 3 – 29.06.20 Home learning
- t-pe-246-joe-wicks-active-8-minute-workout-2-cards_ver_7
- t2-m-4765-types-of-angles-powerpoint-_ver_1 (1)
- t2-m-289-acute-and-obtuse-angles-activity-sheet_ver_4
- Kennings Teaching Powerpoint
- Kennings Planning Sheet
- cfe2-e-238-the-blitz-in-scotland-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity_ver_1
- Please remember that you now need to return to this page to access the Twinkl resources:
- Year 3 22.06.20 Home learning
- Activity Sheet Right Angles in 2D Shapes
- PowerPoint – Recognise Right Angles in Shapes 2
- Lesson Presentation Angles in 2D Shapes and Turns 1
- Reasoning about shapes
- -all-about-british-castles-powerpoint_
- burns-night-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity
- Edinburgh-Castle-Information-Sheet
- fronted-adverbials-ks2-word-mat-list
- t-pe-245-joe-wicks-active-8-minute-workout-1-cards_ver_6
- Year 3 – 15.06.20 Home Learning
- Y3 Properties of Shapes – Shape Hunt Home Learning
- Squared paper
- all-about-magnetic-forces-powerpoint
- Fronted adverbial powerpoint
- Lake Monster activity sheet
- scotland-information-powerpoint
- scottish landscapes
- VCOP pyramid
- Year 1 _ 2 common Exception words mat
- Year 3 _ 4 Common Exception Words
- Loch Ness Monster reading
- Year 3 – 08.06.20 Home Learning PDF
- Year 3 – 08.06.20 Home Learning
- The very talented Mrs Thornton has written a second book staring Tiny Ant called Lockdown Lifted:
- Tiny Ant in Lockdown Lifted
- This is a lovely picture book to encourage discussion about worries and how to help with them:
- Year 3 -18.05.20 – Weekly Activities PDF
- Year 3 -18.05.20 – Weekly Activities
- Year 3 maths WB.18.05.20
If you would like to share some of your completed work with your teachers then now you can!
- Click on the Share Home Learning tab above for the email address to use and further instructions.
- We would love to see some of what you have been doing and will reply once a week, should you send us some work.
- For those super keen learners that would like to try a little extra. Visit these sites for further daily lessons-
We have a really exciting task which has been set by Severn Arts and Worcestershire County Council which you might like to complete! We know lots of you like computer games and I bet some of you have dreams of designing one when you are older. As part of a Worcestershire community project, we have been given the chance to help design one. Please click below for more information:
ISLANDS IN THE SKY Art and design competition
Template B- Islands in the Sky
Tiny Ant in lockdown
Year-3-04.05.20 Home learning PDF
Year-3-04.05.20 Home learning
On Friday 8th May it is the 75th anniversary of VE Day, when the nation will join together (whilst still socially distancing!) to remember the service and sacrifice of the WWII generation.
It would be wonderful if you could explore VE Day together and help us all to show our thanks; maybe you could dress up in something red, white or blue, create your own bunting to decorate your house, design a poster for your window, write a poem or make a hat or flag to wave for the Nation’s toast at 3pm. Below you will find some useful links to appropriate resources and activities to help you.
We as a school would love to see what you do and make a video of your VE day celebrations (just like the one all the staff made for you) to share on our Chawson School Facebook page for everyone to enjoy. If you would like your VE day photograph to appear on the final video please send it to by 9am on Monday (11th May) using the subject heading VE day.
Important: If you send us a photograph on email we will assume you are granting us permission to share this picture in our VE day celebration video on the official Chawson School Facebook page.
If you do not wish your photograph to be included in the final video you must make this clear by using the subject heading VE day – DO NOT INCLUDE
Resources created for those who are home learning –
Explanation of VE day with resources and activities to support –
Resource for creating your own VE Day celebration bunting –
Home learning week 4, stay safe everyone.
Year-3-27.04.20 home learning pdf
Year-3-27.04.20 home learning word
Writing support VCOP
Worcestershire Children first have put together a list of educational resources and websites for different areas of learning and development to help parents and carers support their children during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak-
BBC bitesize has a number of new activities covering a range of topics and activities:
You may be aware that the government have recently shared an online learning resources, ‘Oak National Academy’, to support home learning. We will not be using these activities to replace our Chawson home learning but may reference them as activities. You are also able to click the link below to access the resources from home. There are Videos and activities to complete each day for literacy, numeracy and an extra subject. We hope you find it useful.
We hope you have had a good Easter break, staying safe and well. Please click below for a new home learning sheet-
Year-3-20.04.20 home learning pdf
Year-3-20.04.20 home learning word
Easter Holiday Letter
Information letter 19th March
*Internet safety information*
Please remember to set up your Twinkl account to access some of the activities. This can be done by following the link below: and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS
Please click on the links below to access our weekly home learning sheets:
Year-3-30.03.20- Weekly Activities