World Book day
We had great fun at World Book Day. We loved sharing our work with our mums and dads and grandparents. .
We had great fun at World Book Day. We loved sharing our work with our mums and dads and grandparents. .
Eco Club will be meeting every Wednesday after Easter. The dates have been sent out in a letter. If you do not have a copy of the dates please come and get a letter from me (Julie Thornton).
We have had a really busy half term and have had lots of fun! Our highlights have been learning about dinosaurs and being real life paleontologists in Forest School and in the outdoor area and learning all about Space! We were so lucky to see the solar eclipse and use… Read More»
Moving and Growing Here are some ideas for what they could do: 1) Create a non-fiction booklet all about skeletons of animals and or humans. Think about how you would set out your non-fiction writing. 2) Write a story that has a skeleton in. Your main characters could be… Read More»
4H Maths Homework 20.3.15 We have been focusing on multiplication, division & fractions this week. Try the following at home:
Week beginning 23.3.15 In our classes this week we have been learning to measure to the nearest centimetre (cm) and millimetre (mm). For homework we would like you to find some things from around the house to measure with a ruler or tape measure. Try to find a range of… Read More»
Discuss Percy the Park Keeper and his kindness to animals
Welcome back everyone I hope you have had a good holiday!
Find out about odd and even numbers