Monthly Archives: November 2015

ICT webpages

A couple of weeks ago, year 4 visited Westacre for an E-safety ICT lesson. During the lesson the children used J2e to create their own webpages. The E-safety council at Westacre then reviewed the webpages and approved those that they thought were suitable for their school website. To find out… Read More»

class 1T update

Alex read a book about the Elves and the Shoemaker this morning…”I really enjoyed it. Shoemaker is a compound word,” said Alex. Lucie, Isla and Sophie  have played in the vets and made all the animals better. Archie has learned about Autumn and he put some leaves under paper and made… Read More»

Jess the Goth Fairy

Today, year 4 were lucky enough to be visited by Jo and Jess. They were sharing their message of ‘it’s ok to be different’. Despite her disabilities, Jess has achieved so much – she is a National Special Olympic gold and silver medallist, has become a member of the Peoples Parliament of Worcestershire for… Read More»

Year One Weekly Update

We have been learning about Autumn. We  know how to use adjectives to describe how things look, sound, taste, feel and smell. Some really good adjectives  are fluffy, smooth, rough, tiny, prickly, sharp, colourful, beautiful, slippery. In maths we have been learning subtraction. We had a visit from the hedgehog lady… Read More»