Mrs Wood’s Maths Talk Homework 4.5.15
week 4 talk homework
week 4 talk homework
WWII home learning task 2015
This week we have decided to not give a specific talk homework task as the children have completed assessed writing and all of the preparation for their writing, at the end of the week, has been completed during the lesson. If you wish to, you can discuss with your child… Read More»
22.4.15 Over the past few days we have been practicing telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes and checking that we have correctly identified the minute and hour hands. This week play the ‘Race Against Time’ game, with someone at home, to practice telling the time more confidently. If… Read More»
Yr 3 Summer topic letter 2015
Hello everyone, we hope that you have had a lovely holiday and a good rest. Please remember to bring your PE kits back to school.
Moving and Growing Here are some ideas for what they could do: 1) Create a non-fiction booklet all about skeletons of animals and or humans. Think about how you would set out your non-fiction writing. 2) Write a story that has a skeleton in. Your main characters could be… Read More»
Week beginning 23.3.15 In our classes this week we have been learning to measure to the nearest centimetre (cm) and millimetre (mm). For homework we would like you to find some things from around the house to measure with a ruler or tape measure. Try to find a range of… Read More»
Welcome back everyone I hope you have had a good holiday!