Survival home learning task

Dear Parents/Guardians


This half term we will be looking at the topic of ‘Survival’ with the emphasis being on what plants need to survive.

For the children’s home learning project we would like them to think about what humans need to survive.


So your home learning task is…


Imagine you are heading into the jungle on an expedition to explore new species of plants and animals.  Think hard and make the following decisions:


1). You can pack 10 items in your rucksack – which items will you choose?  What will you need to survive in a jungle environment – choose wisely, your life might depend on it!

2). You can take 4 experts / professionals with you in your helicopter to help with your expedition.  Who would be most helpful in the jungle?  Think about what disasters might happen and what jobs you will need to do whilst you are there.

3). Design a shelter that will keep you safe in the jungle – how can you use the environment to help you build it and how will you ensure it keeps you safe and protected?

4). Design a menu for your stay in the jungle – what type of food will you need to stay strong?  What might you have packed in your rucksack to help you?  What could you find in the jungle that you could use for food?


It is up to you how you present your project – you might want to draw and label your rucksack and experts or you might want to present this part in sentences or bullet points. You might want to make a model of your shelter or create a fact file for each expert. You could even present your work using the computer.


We would like the children to bring their finished work in on Monday 4th June 2018.  We are inviting parents to come in for a homework ‘showcase’ to celebrate the children’s efforts on Monday 11th June 2018, at 8.50-9.05am.


Thank you,


Year 3 staff


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